Solo show

C3 Contemporary Art Space, Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia

21 June – 16 July

C3_Documentation_June17_002photo courtesy of Vivian Smith 

“The banners in Dirtied Glyphs were once sexual health centre examination table sheets sourced from one the artist’s places of employment when the medical centre transitioned to disposable sheets. The bedding received a second life as studio drop sheets, catching paint while he made other pieces over the space of a year. Dirt, rips and creases were accepted into the narrative of the works. The final ink paintings on the banners were made in a way that played with the bleeding and dripping of the watery ink, which often proved difficult to control as it soaked into the unprimed fabric. Images and text were generated quickly – a kind of mind spillage ­– over January to March, 2017. Themes in the work centre around flow and sedimentation expressed through text and imagery about the human body and its secretions, sexuality, religious sacramental wine, the flood of Internet information and receding youth”.

C3_Documentation_June17_007photo courtesy of Vivian Smith

photo courtesy of Vivian Smith

photo courtesy of Vivian Smith